Friday, May 3, 2013

Seth's Spring Piano Recital

As usual Seth did a great job at his recital. This was a close one though. We almost didn't make it because he got into poison ivy again. His face was starting to swell, but he decided he had worked too hard to miss the recital over a little swelling. 

He played two songs. The first, which was a duet with his teacher, was "The Chicken Dance". "Pure Imagination" (you know... the charlie and the chocolate factory theme song) was the second. Of course he changed it up a little and made it his own. I loved it!

Well, shoot! I tried to upload the video, but for some reason it will not work... I think the file is too large because we recorded both songs together. Oh well, you will have to trust me when I say it was really good. And no, my opinion has nothing to do with me being his mother!

This is a good looking group.

Seth you did a great job and we are very proud of you.

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