Just the other day we were bringing you home from the hospital.

Just the other day you were 6months old, content sitting in your swing with your up-side-down paci.
okay... i am so NOT going to make it through this post without crying!

Just the other day, you were 11 months old, and loving life at how fast you could crawl, get into the laundry, and scatter it all around the room.

Just the other day you were 1, giggling with the goats at the petting zoo.
i loved those cute little bells on your shoes!

Just the other day you were 2, thrilled to be at one of the best places in the world... Bapa and Granma's house, hanging out with your best bud Gibby.

Just the other day you weren't much taller than the couch and you thought it made a nice pillow.

Just the other day, you knew life didn't get any better than riding on a real train for the first time while slurping down a Hi-C juice box.

Just the other day, you thought there wasn't anything greater than sliding into your little pool while wearing your favorite goggles.

Just the other day, you were 3 and oh so proud of your new soccer trophy.

Just the other day, you were 7 and busily building leaf piles with yours brothers and then jumping into them.
Just the other day, you turned 16 and your mother realized that she had ONLY two sweet years left and that you had grown into a young man.
told you i would make it through with out crying
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