Again you wanted Cinna-Bons cinnamon rolls for your cake. They are oh so yummy!
You were surrounded by some of your very best friends... Lucas, Levi, Andrew, and Nate.
Look at all those candles.
Wonder what you're wishing for? After "cake" everyone went out for a nice friendly game of air-soft in the dark. What you didn't know was that your mom had planned a surprise attack.
I gave each of your friends a can of whip cream and told them to attack you.
Looks like it was a successful mission.
You were completely covered and so you thought you would be nice and share some with your mom... you came and gave me a big hug and rubbed it all over my head.
let me just tell you that stuff is hard to get out of your hair.
After we ALL cleaned up it was time to open your gifts. Look at that greasy hair from the whip cream.
You had a great celebration. I can't believe you're 16 now, but more than that I can't believe what a fine young man you have grown into. Your dad and I are so proud of you and we love the way you make us laugh... it's hard to stay irritated at you for very long and I think you know it too! We love you buddy!