Okay, so I've finished with book 6. I know you probably thought I had decided to give up on my reading goal for the year, but I didn't. I started reading a book that I got halfway thru and decided that I really did agree with it or like it very much so I ditched it and moved on.

The book I switched to is "A Place of Quiet Rest" by, Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I really enjoy this author. She is extremely full of wisdom. This book basically is about the importance of having a daily quiet time with the Lord. Some topics in the book are... The priority, purpose, pattern, problems and practice of a devotional life. There are some great ideas of how to refresh your daily quiet time, how to dig deeper in the word and how to strengthen your walk with the Lord.
We were made for intimacy with others but more importantly with Him. (Our Creator) He longs to have that intimate relationship with us and patiently He waits for us to come to Him. We have the grand opportunity to meet with our GOD whenever we want, but how often we let the busyness of life crowd Him out. Maybe this book could give you some good ideas of how to start that relationship anew, or better yet just jump right into the word. Pray and ask Him to show Himself to you and He will. "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you declares the Lord and will bring you back from captivity." Jeremiah 29:12-14
The book I switched to is "A Place of Quiet Rest" by, Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I really enjoy this author. She is extremely full of wisdom. This book basically is about the importance of having a daily quiet time with the Lord. Some topics in the book are... The priority, purpose, pattern, problems and practice of a devotional life. There are some great ideas of how to refresh your daily quiet time, how to dig deeper in the word and how to strengthen your walk with the Lord.
We were made for intimacy with others but more importantly with Him. (Our Creator) He longs to have that intimate relationship with us and patiently He waits for us to come to Him. We have the grand opportunity to meet with our GOD whenever we want, but how often we let the busyness of life crowd Him out. Maybe this book could give you some good ideas of how to start that relationship anew, or better yet just jump right into the word. Pray and ask Him to show Himself to you and He will. "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you declares the Lord and will bring you back from captivity." Jeremiah 29:12-14
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