Today we spent most of the morning outside working in the garden. I haven't shown my garden much love or attention lately. I have an excuse it did rain... (a little). Anyway this is what I get for neglecting the garden...

One of my tomato plants had completely fallen over... poor guy ...but I just used some twine and staked him right back up... no harm done.

Here are the plans for our fall garden. I might make a few changes though. I'm not totally sure I'm going to plant turnips... not real sure what you do with those... so I may just plant more radishes or carrots.

Joshua mowed the grass...

while Seth discovered something growing out of our compost bin. Can you tell what it is?

What about now?

You guessed it... a tomato plant! I guess we threw some clippings in or around the compost.
Apparently, It decided It still wanted to grow and being picked off the main plant, put into a dark smelly box, and not getting any water wasn't going to stop It!
I tied It to the fence just to show It who was boss.

Our cucumber plant is slowly dying... out with the old and in with the new ...but the leaf lettuce is ready to plant.

Seth and I planted 16 leaf lettuce plants. (Noah decided that the sun made his chicken "puffs" itch too bad, so he went back inside.)

I hope they do well because it is so nice to run to the garden to get fresh lettuce for a sandwich or salad.

When we first started planting our garden Seth begged me to let him root and plant a potato. To my surprise it grew quite large. Today while in the garden he noticed that the plant had died. I was ready for him to be really upset but instead this is how he reacted...

So why is Seth so happy? ILovethispicture. Because, he was told by a gardening friend of ours that when the plant died that meant the potatoes were ready. Sooo, let the digging begin!...

What do you know, there really were potatoes in there! See the plant next to where he is digging? That's his other plant... a sweet potato! That boy likes him some potatoes!

Here's the big guy...

and here's the rest of the potato family. Aren't they cute?

Today has been a great day. It kinda felt like this...

Unfortunately, not everyday is like that... sometimes feels more like this...

... poor guy ...

Why wont this guy do something? Come on! You know you want to eat that spider!!!

In the end all things are good...
well, as long as your not the bee!