Monday, May 30, 2011

strawberry picking

One tradition we always try to do in the spring is to go strawberry picking. We go along with another family and it's always a lot of fun.

Noah looking for just the right strawberry.

Joshua found three perfectly shaped strawberries...

for juggling that is!

Hey, he's pretty good at that.

Seth and Noah combining theirs.

We filled our bucket...

so now its time to go.

That might look like a lot of berries, but half of those will be gone by the time we make it home.

See told you so!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Seth's Spring Recital

Here are a few pictures of Seth's spring piano recital. I love the recitals. I love hearing Seth practice and practice his music for the recital. I just love to hear him play!

Here Seth is waiting for the recital to begin. He seemed a little nervous this time for some reason. He played wonderfully. The piece he played was "Our Detective Agency".

As usual Seth rearranged the piece to make it his own. I love that his teacher gives him the freedom to make a few changes here and there.

Seth also has composed several songs himself. I especially like to hear those songs.

We are extremely proud of your hard work and dedication this past year. Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's That Time Again

I started my garden last week. I'm a little late due to moving my garden to another location.

I still have a 2x2 box on my deck and three 4x4 boxes in the middle of my backyard. My 4x4 boxes no longer get sufficient sun for most of the plants I want. because of that I plan to add additional 3x6 boxes in my side yard. I've been busy clearing the area and hope to get at least one box constructed within the next week.

In the meantime I did plant some herbs in the 2x2 box.

I planted Cilantro, Basil,...

Oregano and Thyme. I can't wait to have fresh herbs again!

I also planted some early spring crops to see if they would grow in my shaded 4x4 box. I planted radishes, bush beans, onions and spinach. We'll see what happens.