Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy 12th Birthday, Seth!

Last Friday we celebrated Seth's 12th birthday.

We had a few of his friends come to celebrate with us and to stay for a sleep-over.

i know... i'm a glutton for punishment. what was i thinkin' bringin' more boys into this house!?!

First we had nachos.

Then time for the cake...

Seth was very specific about the kind of cake he wanted. Actually, he didn't want cake. What he wanted was cinnamon rolls from Cinnabon. So I tried to arrange them like a cake. I think it turned out really cute. Definitely, was a excellent idea! As you can tell he was ready to dig in.

But first he wanted to make sure I had the right number of candles on the cake. As you can see, funny-cookie-boy, wasn't taking any chances of missing out of getting his cinnamon roll.

i can never get a "normal" shot of that boy anymore...SHEESH!

He's making his birthday wish...

... and blowing out the candles!

Next, it was time to open his gifts.

Mostly, he got funny cards,...

more funny cards, and...

lots of MONEY!

Two more presents to go. This is a pad of shooting targets with squirrels on them. You can see the excitement already building in his eyes.

Then he gets his last present that goes along with the target paper...

A BOW & ARROW set. He's doing a great pose for mom.

Checking it out to see how it works...

aiming for the target... gently pulling back on the string...


seth: "that's what you get for makin' goofy faces in all my birthday pictures!"

Considering there were 7 boys running around the house til the wee hours of the night, things went very well.

i'm sure the twitching is just a short term side-effect!

I love this picture. It was taken the next night at our family reunion. Seth was so tired from the late night before that he fell asleep in the middle of everything. I saw his cute toesies and couldn't resist taking a picture of them, which woke him up, but oh well it was worth it. At least I thought so!

Happy 12th birthday Setharoonie! I can't believe how big you are getting and how you are growing into such a great young man! Your dad and I are proud of how you stand up for what you believe in, your love for Jesus and your creativity. He's got great plans for you, kiddo! Love ya!