Aren't they beautiful?
I don't know what kind they are?... but they are definitely different than the kind I'm use to. I personally like the sunflowers with one big flower... these have several small flowers per stem.
We added another box to our garden. That makes four now if you count the small herb box on our deck. I've been doing some research on a fall garden and I found this awesome blog on gardening. You can check it out here. I discovered now is the time to be preparing for the fall. On the blog they have where you can print out a PDF file and make a planning book for your fall garden. They also link you to another website that will help you determine when the first day of frost is in your area.
I love how the boys are so eager to help...
Should I be surprised?... we are talking about boys...
"playing" in the dirt... ya know?
This is...
what a real...
boy looks like!!!
Here is our finished box. Look really hard and you can see the tiny cauliflower I transplanted into our fall box. I sowed (indoors) leaf lettuce and rosemary, but no signs of growth yet. My leaf lettuce that I have in the other box seems to be doing good. We have eaten off of it several times.
Okay... you can stop looking for it now... I took a zoomed in picture of the cauliflower for you.
I love the way God reveals His love to us through nature!
When I went to the garden this morning I found all of these guys...
and this big guy... that the boys have been dying to pick... but he wasn't ready...
until today!
They wanted to pick it together.
And then study it before we eat it!
This was our harvest for the day...
not too shabby... if-I-say-so-myself!