Well, since it finally stopped raining we decided to finish planting our herb garden.
After filling our box with soil; then we made our squares...
Poked holes for the different seeds...
Then filled the holes...
We labeled each square with masking tape so we would know which herb was in each square... so "TADA" there is our square herb garden! (minus the seed packets of course.)
But wait... there's more... we also planted some yummy strawberries. Actually we have had these for a long time so I'm not sure if they are going to grow.
And last but not least... SUNFLOWERS...
It's cool to watch them grow...
and grow...
and grow...
In just a few days they were ready to plant... Seth wanted to plant his first.
After we finished planting his sunflowers along came our beloved Mordecai. He must like sunflowers too, because he preceded to dig them up and eat them!!! Unfortunately that is not the only thing he decided to eat this week. A few days earlier I got out of the shower to witness this face and mess... He had ripped apart something very personal to me, which I cropped from the picture so you could see his face... He looks really scared doesn't he?
Mike had a spur-of-the-moment idea... "Let's go bike riding", he said and I said, "but I don't have a bike?" Then he said "Then let's go get you one." And so that's what we did...
Then we went to Salem Lake...
Even though it may be true that you never forget how to ride a bike... sometimes it does take awhile for your body to get the memory from your brain to your arms and legs!!!
We had a great time! But boy was I sore the next day! I can't wait to go again. This was a great family outing.